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We can help with:

  • Financial Support Applications
  • Bank Funding Applications
  • Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Tax Reliefs & Tax Planning to Mitigate Leakages
  • Solvency & Recovery Options
  • Turnaround Management
  • M&A – Acquisition of Distressed Assets
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Digital Transformation of the Finance Function
Download financial support guide

Covid-19 has created unprecedented challenges for businesses across the world. As the new norm of life with Covid-19 emerges, businesses will need to RESPOND Smarter, REBOUND Stronger and REFLECT Clearer.

To help our clients evolve and navigate through this crisis ahead of the curve, we have brought together a multi-disciplinary team of experts from across our firm with a focus on solving the unique challenges faced by businesses operating across the island of Ireland due to Covid-19.

Our tailor made programmes are covered under a range of new Government schemes designed to support local businesses. This covers up to 100% of our fees, subject to eligibility.

Combining our extensive knowledge of the range of Government support available and sector expertise, we can help you respond smarter to Covid-19.

We can help identify strategies for reopening through scenario planning incorporating new revenue opportunities of diversification and cost optimisation.

We can assist in the development of a comprehensive resilient Business Continuity Plan that provides a structured response to any future risks including a ‘second wave’.

Fancy a Zoom call?

Aveen McShane