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06 December 2023

The Finance Advantage: Financial Management and Finance Solutions utilised by Top Performing Companies

Teresa Campbell, FPM Partner talks financial management and finance solutions for top performing companies

Teresa Campbell, FPM Partner sets out financial management and finance solutions utilised by top performing companies in her recent Irish News article…

Financial management is a critical aspect that sets top-performing companies apart, enabling them to achieve higher earnings, stronger growth, and a better return on investment. In today’s challenging business landscape, accessing the right finance solutions becomes increasingly crucial for sustained success, especially given the current trading environment where access to funding has become more difficult.

Top performers possess a unique skillset that allows them to leverage finance solutions and management information effectively. By understanding and exploiting opportunities, allocating resources strategically, maximising profitability, and controlling costs, these businesses consistently outperform their peers.

One key characteristic of top performers is the implementation of robust strategies and rigorous budgetary controls. They meticulously align departmental budgets with overall strategic goals, ensuring careful due diligence in every investment decision. Additionally, these companies prioritise investing in top talent, fostering a positive working environment, and emphasising a culture of positivity and enthusiasm. Training initiatives, attractive remuneration packages, strong internal communication strategies, and health and well-being initiatives are all part of their comprehensive approach to attracting and retaining talent.

Detail-oriented financial management is instrumental in maintaining financial health and propelling long-term success for high-performing businesses. Leveraging technology and automation for routine tasks, while utilising data analytics to enhance business decisions provides timely and accurate financial information. This enables top performers to stay ahead in an increasingly dynamic marketplace.

Efficient working capital and cash flow management are top priorities for successful businesses. They recognise that access to cash is vital not only for operational needs but also for capitalising on lucrative business development opportunities. Moreover, these companies proactively identify, assess and mitigate financial and operational risks, utilising sophisticated risk management tools to safeguard their stability and minimise the impact of unforeseen events.

Meeting legal and regulatory requirements is non-negotiable for top performers. They establish robust governance frameworks to ensure compliance with financial regulations and ethical standards, instilling confidence in their stakeholders.

Effective communication with all stakeholders is another hallmark of top performing companies. By maintaining open lines of external communication, they build trust and confidence in their businesses. Simultaneously, maintaining effective internal communication ensures that employees understand their specific roles in steering the company toward its strategic objectives.

At FPM, our award-winning team of accountants, business, and tax advisors take a unique approach to financial management by offering finance solutions that empower businesses to access funding, seize opportunities, overcome difficulties, and maximise their potential for success. Through our expertise and utilisation of cutting-edge tools, we provide timely and accurate financial information, enabling our clients to unlock their full potential and achieve top performance in their industries.

To find out more about the financial solutions that will enhance your business performance and profitability, contact our team today.

Financial management and utilising appropriate finance solutions is an area where businesses can learn from top performers, says FPM Partner Teresa Campbell…

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