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30 March 2022

Spring Statement | Business Implications


Q&A Session

I own a family business that trades through a limited company.

What impact will the Spring Statement have for me and my business?


Spring Statement

The Chancellor’s Spring statement contains a limited amount of changes to the UK tax code however some of these are important for business owners. 

FPM’s Spring Statement Summary publication highlights the key areas that you should be aware of.

Download your FREE copy here. 

Spring Statement Business Implication 1: Reduction in Fuel Duty

The reduction in fuel duty will obviously have a modest but positive affect on you personally and perhaps within your business depending on the size of your vehicle fleet.

Spring Statement Business Implication 2: CapEx

Of more interest perhaps is the Government’s commitment to supporting investment in capital equipment by companies. As you trade through a company you can benefit currently from the so-called ‘super deduction’ which treats every £100 spent on a new plant as £130 of capital expenditure (CapEx) – a £25 cash saving at the 19% corporation tax rate. This was set to end on 31 March 2023 however, the Chancellor has hinted at the development of a longer-term incentive plan for businesses investing CapEx which could include an increase in the current rates of relief, introducing a new first year allowance, and increasing the level of the Annual Investment Allowance.

These measures will be consulted upon over the summer and you can expect an announcement on this in the Autumn. The Government has ‘tinkered’ with CapEx allowances over the past decades and if business owners had more certainty on what tax relief, they could rely on over the longer term, then they might commit to a more holistic long-term plan of CapEx, rather that try and cram a more modest amount in before the qualifying period expires.

Spring Statement Business Implication 3: Tax Relief

An expansion to the UK’s R&D tax relief regime to include data and cloud computing costs could also be beneficial for your company. The UK R&D tax relief regime for companies is a valuable tax relief and it looks set to be extended.

Spring Statement Business Implication 4: Income Tax

On the income tax side, there are measures that will affect both yourself and your employees. The impact of the previously announced 1.25% hike in National Insurance (which will be replaced by the health and social care levy, chargeable at the same rate in April 2023), will be softened because from July 2022, the national insurance annual primary threshold and lower profits limit will be increased to the equivalent of the income tax personal allowance of £12,570. This will take lower paid workers out of this levy. This measure finally unites the rate at which income tax and national insurance become payable and will simplify the tax system.

The Chancellor also announced that, from April 2024, the basic rate of income tax would be reduced to 19%. Which will benefit all taxpayers regardless of income.

The Employment Allowance will increase from £4,000 to £5,000 from April 2022, meaning eligible employers will be able to reduce their employer NICs bills by up to £5,000 per year.

In summary, the spring statement appears to be a percussor to a more extensive Budget in Autumn by which time many of the proposals and measures will be fully consulted on and ready for enactment.

Here to Help

Contact FPM

FPM have also published a Spring Statement Summary to further assist you in understanding the practical implications for you and your business. But if you would rather chat with one of our tax team then please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

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The advice in this column is specific to the facts surrounding the questions posed.  Neither FPM nor the contributors accept any liability for any direct or indirect loss arising from any reliance placed on replies. 

Contact Paddy

Paddy Harty / Tax Director

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